
New site for HOT BONES …

HOT BONES I am very pleased to announce that the HOT team has a new site. The coolest thing I learned when developing HOT BONES was to create this beauties, using only the R programming language and a simple sheet from Excel. Dead Weight paper is out Besides, we published recently, with some of the …

I am on - Die Sklaven von …

Hi everyone, So this is one of those really cool things that passed through my mind when I was a kid. Luckily, it is a dream I can remove from the checklist! So I appeared on a documentary on biological anthropology, more specifically about a recently discovered archaeological skeletal collection …

I've finished a knowledge …

Congrats to me! I have finally finished a full tree of knowledge in Duolingo. This means there are not any new games for me to try, with this language in specific, in the platform. Yet, Danish sure is a difficult language, while I can somewhat read it now, it’s still really hard to understand …