
jcoelho | Jan 9, 2023 | 5 min read

Scientific Articles

Regala FT, Pinto MJ, Paulo LM, Bobe R, Raja M, Aldeias V, Archer W, Braun DR, Lüdecke T, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Mathe J, Macamo S, Bamford M, Martinez FI, Püschel TA, Capelli C, da Silva MJF, Anemone RL, Carvalho S, 2024. Caves of Inhaminga: the speleological heritage of the Cheringoma Plateau, Mozambique. Cave and Karst Science. 51(2):67–80. (PDF 46.1MB)

Freymann E, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Muhumuza G, Hobaiter C, Huffman MA, Zuberbühler K, Carvalho S. 2024. Applying collocation and APRIORI analyses to chimpanzee diets: Methods for investigating nonrandom food combinations in primate self-medication. American Journal of Primatology. e23603 10.1002/ajp.23603

Bobe R, Aldeias V, Alemseged Z, Anemone RL, Archer W, Aumaître G, Bamford MK, Biro D, Bourlès DL, Boyd MD, Braun DR, Capelli C, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Habermann JM, Head JJ, Keddadouche K, Kupczik K, Lebatard A-E, Lüdecke T, Macôa A, Martínez FI, Mathe J, Mendes C, Paulo LM, Pinto M, Presnyakova D, Püschel TA, Regala FT, Sier M, da Silva MJF, Stalmans M, Carvalho S. 2023. The first Miocene fossils from coastal woodlands in the southern East African Rift. iScience. 26 (9). 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107644

Curate F, Navega D, Cunha E, d’Oliveira Coelho J. 2022. DXAGE 2.0 — adult age at death estimation using bone loss in the proximal femur and the second metacarpal. International Journal of Legal Medicine. 10.1007/s00414-022-02840-y

d’Oliveira Coelho J, Anemone RL, Carvalho S. 2021. Unsupervised learning of satellite images for enhancing fossil site discovery at Gorongosa, Mozambique. PeerJ 9:e11573 10.7717/peerj.11573

Curate F, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Silva AM. 2021. CalcTalus: an online decision support system for the estimation of sex with the calcaneus and talus. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 13:74. 10.1007/s12520-021-01327-y

Rodrigues H, Ramos R, Fagundes L, Galego O, Navega D, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Alves FC, Cunha E. 2020. Mastoid, middle ear and inner ear analysis in CT scan – a possible contribution for the identification of remains. Medicine, Science and the Law, 60:102–111. 10.1177/0025802419893424

d’Oliveira Coelho J, Curate F. 2019. CADOES: An interactive machine-learning approach for sex estimation with the pelvis. Forensic Science International, 302:109873. 10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.109873

Ammer S, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Cunha E. 2019. Outline Shape Analysis on the Trochlear Constriction and Olecranon Fossa of the Humerus: Insights for Sex Estimation and a New Computational Tool. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 64(6):1788–1795. 10.1111/1556-4029.14096

Vilas-Boas D, Wasterlain SN, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Navega D, Gonçalves D. 2019. SPINNE: An app for human vertebral height estimation based on artificial neural networks. Forensic Science International, 298:121–130. 10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.02.056

Ferreira MT, Coelho C, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Navega D, Wasterlain SN. 2018. New data about sex and age-at-death based on the postcranial skeleton of the enslaved adult Africans found at Lagos, Portugal (15th-17th centuries). Cadernos do GEEvH, 7(1):7–16. Download.

Silva A, Tomé T, Cunha C, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Valera A, Filipe V, Scott GR. 2018. Unilateral absence of mandibular condyle in a Bronze Age male skeleton from Portugal. International Journal of Paleopathology, 22:168–172. 10.1016/j.ijpp.2018.04.002

Scott GR, Pilloud M, Navega D, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Cunha E, Irish J. 2018. rASUDAS: A New Web-Based Application for Estimating Ancestry from Tooth Morphology. Forensic Anthropology, 1:18–31. 10.5744/fa.2018.0003

Gonçalves D, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Amarante A, Makhoul C, Oliveira-Santos I, Navega D, Cunha E. 2018. Dead weight: Validation of mass regression equations on experimentally burned skeletal remains to assess skeleton completeness. Science & Justice, 58:2–6. 10.1016/j.scijus.2017.07.003

Navega D, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Cunha E, Curate F. 2018. DXAGE: A New Method for Age at Death Estimation Based on Femoral Bone Mineral Density and Artificial Neural Networks. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 63(2):497–503. 10.1111/1556-4029.13582

Gonçalves D, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Acosta MA, Coelho C, Curate F, Ferreira MT, Gouveia M, Makhoul C, Pinto D, Oliveira-Santos I, Vassalo AR, Navega D, Cunha E. 2016. One for all and all for one: Linear regression from the mass of individual bones to assess human skeletal mass completeness. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 160:427–432. 10.1002/ajpa.22979

Curate F, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Gonçalves D, Coelho C, Ferreira MT, Navega D, Cunha E. 2016. A method for sex estimation using the proximal femur. Forensic Science International, 266:579.e1–7. 10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.06.011

Book Chapters

d’Oliveira Coelho J (2023). JOÃO COELHO. In: Wasterlain, SN. (Eds.), 30 Anos, 30 Antropólogos. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra: 51-56. 10.14195/978-989-26-2476-1

Bobe R, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Carvalho S, Leakey M. 2022. Early Hominins and Paleoecology of the Koobi Fora Formation, Lake Turkana Basin, Kenya. In: Reynolds, SC, Bobe, R. (Eds.), African Paleoecology and Human Evolution. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 311–331. 10.1017/9781139696470.026

d’Oliveira Coelho J, Curate F, Navega D. 2020. Chapter 5.1 - Osteomics: Decision support systems for forensic anthropologists. In: Obertová, Z, Stewart A, Cattaneo C. (Eds.), Statistics and Probability in Forensic Anthropology. Academic Press: 259–273.10.1016/B978-0-12-815764-0.00005-8

Conference Papers

Andrade B, Dias P, Santos BS, Coelho C, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Navega D, Ferreira MT, Wasterlain S. Morphological analysis of 3D skull models for ancestry estimation. 2018. 22nd International Conference Information Visualisation (IV) 2018 Jul 10 (IEEE):567–573. 10.1109/iV.2018.00104

Andrade B, Dias P, Coelho C, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Navega D, Wasterlain SN, Ferreira MT, Santos BS. 2016. Towards automatic non-metric traits analysis on 3D models of skulls. 23rd Portuguese Meeting on Computer Graphics and Interaction (EPCGI):1–7. 10.1109/EPCGI.2016.7851196

Published Abstracts (Society Meetings)

Scott GR, Navega D, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Vlemincq-Mendieta T, Kenessey D, Pilloud MA. 2022. Tooth morphology and population affinity: testing rASUDAS2 on modern African and European-derived samples. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 177(S73):164–165. 10.1002/ajpa.24514

Dorans ER, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Anemone RL, Bobe R, Carvalho S, Forrest F, Braun DR. 2020. Using remote sensing and machine learning to reconstruct paleoenvironmental features in the Koobi Fora Formation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 171(S69):73–74. 10.1002/ajpa.24023

d’Oliveira Coelho J, Anemone RL, Carvalho S. 2020. Filling Gaps in Primate Evolution: Machine Learning Approaches for Automated Fossil Site Discovery in Gorongosa, Mozambique. Folia Primatologica, 91(3):251–252. 10.1159/000502392

Makhoul C, Amarante A, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Navega D, Almeida M, Parker SF, Ferreira MT, Viegas DX, Marques M, de Carvalho LB, Gonçalves D, Cunha E. 2017. Experimental burning and real fire scenarios: Are they comparable in terms of chemical anthropology? La Revue de Médecine Légale, 8(4): 187. 10.1016/j.medleg.2017.10.019

Scott, GR, Navega D, d’Oliveira Coelho J, Cunha E, Irish JD. 2016. rASUDAS: A new method for estimating ancestry from tooth crown and root morphology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 159(S62):285-286. 10.1002/ajpa.22955