New site for HOT BONES and new MassReg article

João d'Oliveira Coelho | Jul 30, 2017 min read


I am very pleased to announce that the HOT team has a new site.

The coolest thing I learned when developing HOT BONES was to create this beauties, using only the R programming language and a simple sheet from Excel.

Dead Weight paper is out

Besides, we published recently, with some of the team members a new paper, Dead Weight: validation of mass regression equations on experimentally burned skeletal remains to assess skeleton completeness, on Science and Justice. It tests the MassReg app on the experimentally burned skeletons of the CEIXXI available at Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology, UC. Despite MassReg being initially developed for non-burned skeletal remains, it seems to perform as well on burned skeletal remains as other techniques (e.g. comparing to references). Thus it is a new promising and useful tool to assess skeletal completeness.

Congrats to all involved!

Dead weight: Validation of mass regression equations on experimentally burned skeletal remains to assess skeleton completeness

D. Gonçalves, J. d’Oliveira Coelho, A. Amarante, C. Makhoul, I. Oliveira-Santos, D. Navega, E. Cunha


Best regards, Johny