I am on - Die Sklaven von Lagos - a german scientific documentary

João d'Oliveira Coelho | Jul 6, 2017 min read

Hi everyone,

So this is one of those really cool things that passed through my mind when I was a kid. Luckily, it is a dream I can remove from the checklist! So I appeared on a documentary on biological anthropology, more specifically about a recently discovered archaeological skeletal collection from Lagos, Portugal. This collection is unique, worldwide, in how much it can tell us about slavery related to the Age of Discovery.

Die Sklaven von Lagos

die sklaven
Click on the image to watch the documentaries episodes.

The documentary is split into 6 episodes:

  • The skeletons from Algarve
  • Bioarchaeology: working with the bones
  • History meets CSI
  • What the teeth tell us
  • A piece of history for the nameless
  • The general interview with Maria Teresa Ferreira

All very interesting and available in german and english, my 15 seconds of fame are mostly on the fifth one, but best is to watch all of them!

Yours, j d’o c