
New paper for sex …

Just wanted to announce that we have published a new scientific article: Curate et al. 2016: “A method for sex estimation using the proximal femur” on Forensic Science International. Again this is a collaborative work with some members from the Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology. FSI …

My first scientific …

Hey there, I’m proud to announce that my first peer-reviewed paper “One for all and all for one: Linear regression from the mass of individual bones to assess human skeletal mass completeness” is out on the renewed American Journal of Forensic Anthropology. AJPA Not a bad magazine …

The Laboratory of …

Yo folks. It’s time for some more show off! Here is my latest project: LFA.UC.PT For this project I had to develop a lot of stuff. First, there was no identity image associated to the lab. So I had to start by proposing the following logotype that was readily accepted by the majority of the …