New paper for sex estimation from the proximal femur and new site for CIAS

João d'Oliveira Coelho | Sep 15, 2016 min read

Just wanted to announce that we have published a new scientific article: Curate et al. 2016: “A method for sex estimation using the proximal femur” on Forensic Science International. Again this is a collaborative work with some members from the Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology.


Some highlights from the article:

  • Models to estimate sex in incomplete and fragmentary human skeletal remains.
  • Simple and straightforward measurements in the proximal portion of the femur.
  • Femoral neck axis length and femoral neck width show sexual dimorphism.
  • A decision tree with both variables gives the most accurate and less biased results.


I’ve also built a simple app that allows easy implementation of the method, SeuPF. Try it!

The method for sex estimation only needs two simple femoral measurements to work.

Measuring Femoral Neck Axis Length and Femoral Neck Width with a sliding caliper.

Besides, on a brief note, I’d also like to bring attention to CIAS - Centro de Investigação em Antropologia e Saúde (Research Centre of Anthropology and Health) and its new face, cleaner design and web address. This was a very challenging project that I loved to be part of. Please visit it: - Research Centre of Anthropology and Health new website!