My first scientific article on a new method for complete skeletal mass estimation is out

| Apr 12, 2016 min read

Hey there,

I’m proud to announce that my first peer-reviewed paper “One for all and all for one: Linear regression from the mass of individual bones to assess human skeletal mass completeness” is out on the renewed American Journal of Forensic Anthropology.


Not a bad magazine for the first one, huh?

This was a collaborative work lead by David Gonçalves that counted with the help of many team members from the Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology. I was deeply involved in this project from the beginning, and my main contributions were with the statistical analysis and predictive modelling. Plus, designing and programming a simple webapp, that was branded as MassReg. It allows users to explore our data and apply our models to their own samples.

MassReg Logo

Neat no?

We also gave recently a conferece talk titled “MassReg: An application to predict the skeleton mass of adult individuals in incomplete or poorly preserved assemblages of human remains where we explored and explained the potential of the app for an audience of researchers that gathered in Badajoz, Spain.

By the way, 2 days from now on, there will be 2 posters presentations in the 85th AAPA that I’d like to bring your attention to:

That’s all!

Keep on belelelele.