
Unwarping Heated Bones, a …

Hey! Finally, I am publishing here an online public version of my dissertation “Unwarping Heated Bones: A Quantitative Analysis of Heat-induced Skeletal Deformations Using 3D Geometric Morphometrics” for the fullfilment of Masters degree in Human Evolution and Biology at the Faculty of …

New webapp based on the …

Today was a very productive day. But something stood off, with a shiny feeling: a new tool for bioanthropologists is on the making. That’s it folks. Osteomics is releasing a new app today, on one of the 4 basic pillars of Forensic Anthropology, one that we hadn’t explored yet: sex …

Free .csl for …

Today, I created a Zotero and Mendeley (.CSL 1.0.1) compatible reference style for the scientific magazines: Antropologia Portuguesa and Cadernos do GEEvH. My reason for doing this, is mainly because even though there was already an online version of this reference-style, it was only available for …