Unwarping Heated Bones, a thesis on heat-deformed osteology is online for peer-review

João d'Oliveira Coelho | Oct 28, 2015 min read

Hey! Finally, I am publishing here an online public version of my dissertation “Unwarping Heated Bones: A Quantitative Analysis of Heat-induced Skeletal Deformations Using 3D Geometric Morphometrics” for the fullfilment of Masters degree in Human Evolution and Biology at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra. Hoping to get some commentaries now on it, so that I can incorporate really polished diamonds into the future scientific articles spawning from it.

First, you should notice that I have a repo on github where you can download all the materials to perform the complete data analysis that is published in my thesis manuscript. The reasons for letting others do this are 3-fold:

  • Giving back to the scientific community through sharing my data with all;
  • Validate my analysis through mass-peer-review;
  • Allow others to perform and test new ideas with my data or theirs (yo, but please say something if you are planning to do);

This does not only include the clusters of landmarks used for geometric morphometrics, but all the code in R to apply the methodologies used. For those who don’t know GitHub, it is the perfect environment for code-based scientific collaboration. It works through a system of pull and push where everyone can edit any info on the online folder, while maintaining a full version-controlled flow of work with an historic report of all the edits available and fully documented to the public. A true tool of Science 2.0.

Of course to make sense of it, most code is accompanied by commentaries. Yet, since information is never too much, my thesis is from today onwards out there as well. You just need to click here to read it.

Thesis Cover. Click to download thesis.
Unwarping Heated Bones: A Quantitative Analysis of Heat-induced Skeletal Deformations Using 3D Geometric Morphometrics.

Good read.