Poema Rude

This is one of the pieces I wrote for an anthology of short stories and poetry organized by my good friend João Pedro Amorim, titled “EXPERIÊNCIA INÁCIO”, It starts with a massive title: Poema rude e muito básico, simples e sem floreados sobre um kiwi, porém, ao longo da sua arquitectura …

Enough is N Nafs

Fig. 2222: Retrato de Fulcanelli. This is one of the pieces I wrote for an anthology of short stories and poetry organized by my good friend João Pedro Amorim, titled “EXPERIÊNCIA INÁCIO”, only available in portuguese: Cinopse: Um género de plantas gramíneas para os que ergo resumo de …

Entropia Vegetal

This is one of the pieces I wrote for an anthology of short stories and poetry organized by my good friend João Pedro Amorim, titled “EXPERIÊNCIA INÁCIO”, only available in portuguese: O ano terrestre era 2024 após o nascimento do judeu-palestiniano crucificado. Dos vários ilusionistas …